The partners of WP3 warmly welcome the stakeholders of the ROSiE project and are looking forward to working together to achieve the goal of aligning ROSiE outcomes and products with the needs of the research community and societal values. During the initial informal meetings, stakeholders have expressed their willingness to participate in different activities, to advise the consortium and to contribute to the longer-term impact of the project by acting as ROSiE ambassadors. The members of the Forum will thus greatly enrich the project through their engagement.We appreciate the members’ interest in the project and their motivation to get involved.
An overview of the Stakeholder Forum can be found here: As the number of members of the Stakeholder Forum continues to grow, you are also welcome to join. If you would like to contribute to the ROSiE knowledge base and high-quality outputs, please send an email to Tom Lindemann ( We look forward to getting to know you!