Project History

ROSiE was a three-year project funded by HORIZON2020. Its mission was to co-create with all related stakeholders novel practical tools to foster a responsible open science and citizen science.

ROSiE provided customized solutions through an interdisciplinary knowledge hub bound to actively pursuing open approaches in science and research, while complying with relevant legal frameworks and ethical standards.


  1. 1Identify novel ethical and legal issues, as well as new forms of misconduct and questionable practices brought about by open science.
  2. 2Analyse them in the context of existing ethical and legal frameworks.
  3. 3Pinpoint gaps and grey areas.
  4. 4Integrate ethics and research integrity in open science and citizen science as a structural component.


Ethical, integrity, social, and legal challenges, as well as existing technologies that safeguard responsible open science.

Stakeholders to create and facilitate a community of practice to gather knowledge for a responsible open science.

Stakeholders with operational guidelines, a supplement to the ECoC, and a critical assessment on existing technologies and platforms for responsible open science.

Stakeholders with a Knowledge Hub for open science OS and training materials for the research ethics and integrity aspects of open science.

Τarget Groups

How do they benefit from Rosie?

A consultation and stakeholder engagement through workshops and discussions with the Stakeholder Forum; creating and facilitating a community of practice to gather knowledge on Research Ethics and Research Integrity in Open Science from other European projects.

ROSiE partners will reach out the research community and policy-makers, in order to co-create with them novel practices in the design, the preparation, the making, the valorization and the evaluation of science.

Citizen Science | Open Science organizations | networks | Individual researchers | Members of Research Ethics Committees and Research Integrity Offices | Research Performing Organizations (Universities, Research Centers/Institutes) | Editors of Scientific Journals | Research managers | National Academies | Research funding organizations | Science educators | Research Policy makers and Policy makers | Legal experts | Media and Science journalists | Associations and industries | Civil society organizations / NGOs | General public.

Project roadmap


March 1

Initiation of ROSiE

June 17

Workshop of OS platforms providers

June 17

Focus Group 1 – including training

June 17

Focus Group 2 – including citizen science

Focus Group 2 – including citizen science

June 17

Case-studies on disciplinary challenges of OS

June 17

Co-creation workshops / Beta version of ROSiE Knowledge hub

June 17

Pilot testing of training on responsible OS

November 17

Launching of ROSiE Knowledge Hub

June 17

ROSiE training available “Next steps” conference

November 17

End of ROSiE


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