ROSiE project’s mission is to co-create novel practical tools to foster a responsible Open Science and citizen science with all related stakeholders. One of the objectives of the ROSiE project is to develop training materials for promoting responsible practice of Open Science, and pilot and test these materials in various academic settings.
The training materials include a collection of cases for classroom discussions on responsible open science, as well as a plan for two days training, including 8 units of training, descriptions of corresponding classroom activities, set of instructions for trainers, and handouts for trainees in four fields of science: natural sciences, social sciences, humanities, health and life sciences.
ROSiE project is inviting applications by trainers who are interested to test and pilot these training materials at their institutions. It is possible to test the whole training material or just parts of it by integrating them into already existing courses or training programs. ROSiE will organize an introductory online workshop for those who are interested and provide them with training materials. The trainers will be asked to evaluate training materials and give a feedback, as well as acknowledged as reviewers in the final version of training materials.
If you are interested to participate in piloting of ROSiE training materials for responsible Open Science, please, apply by writing to the email . The deadline for comments from trainers on the draft version of training materials is March 15, 2023.