The 6th meeting was successfully completed! The meeting was divided into two parts. The first part was dedicated to project updates and the second half was chaired by ROSiE and the topic for discussion was on “Training materials for Responsible Open Science”.
The authors of the training materials, Signe Mezinska and Ivars Neiders, in view of the upcoming pilot-testing by members of the consortium and interested stakeholders, presented the outline of materials that is composed of 8 units, the corresponding classroom activities and the cases for classroom discussions on responsible open science.
ROSiE members Signe Mežinska and IvarsNeiders presented an introduction to a draft of training materials in development for the responsible practice of open science. The training materials are concerned with the intersection of open science and ethics, and can be used to train researchers, students or citizen scientists in the social sciences, humanities, health and life sciences, and natural sciences fields.
The materials were presented as having both “traditional” and online training formats, and featured activities with printouts, handouts and case studies. Examples of topics covered by the materials included open access publishing, ethics in citizen science, prevention of research malpractice and protection of intellectual property.
It was reported that there are plans to develop amassive open online course (MOOC) for the training materials, though first feedback from testers is necessary. Participants in the forum were encouraged to spread the word about the materials in order to attract more testers.
A discussion session followed the closing of the presentation.
For additional information regarding training materials, please contact us by sending an email to
Many thanks to all participants for sharing their projects’ recent activities and for actively participation in the discussion on the training materials!