The ROSiE Consortium met in Riga on 22-23 March 2023, to assess the project’s progress and coordinate the upcoming tasks.
The project General Assembly meeting, kindly hosted by the University of Latvia, started with a welcome from the host partner, Signe Mesinska, and Prof. Rose Bernabe (UiO) who leads the project.
Day 1
The first day was dedicated to the presentation of each WPs’ progress, results, and next steps. Among those discussed, special emphasis was placed on the presentation of the ethical and legal challenges of Open science, the preparation of the strategic policy paper, the beta testing of the Knowledge Hub, and the results of the piloting draft training materials.
Day 2
The second day was dedicated to the overall progress of the project. During the second day, we had the opportunity to receive feedback from the project Officer, Roberta Monachello, and useful advice for the next steps of the project from both Roberta Monachello and Mihalis Kritikos. The meeting ended with a discussion on project management and a plan for upcoming tasks.
Over the course of the two-day event, fruitful discussions took place regarding crucial issues of Open Science, the involvement of the various stakeholders in the identification and management of these issues by the ROSiE project, about ways to promote Responsible Open Science in Europe , and more.
Workshop on the piloting of training material for Responsible Open Science
After the end of the ROSiE General Assembly, the partners from the University of Latvia undertook to conduct a 2-day workshop (23-24 March 2023) to discuss the results of piloting draft training materials. In the workshop, we had the opportunity to interact with other partners through activities on ethical issues raised by Open Science and to exchange feedback from the piloting of the training material, which we implemented in the previous period at our own Universities.