9th Cross-SwafS Stakeholder Forum meeting – Presentation on the VERA platform and “Responsible Open Science Policy Paper”

The 9th Cross-SwafS Stakeholder Forum began with a welcome and introduction by François Jost of the European Citizen Science Association (ECSA). Following the introduction, each project provided updates on its recent activities and outputs.

Tiziana Lombardo presented an overview of the Virtual Ecosystem for Research Activation (VERA) platform being developed by COESO. VERA is an online platform devoted to supporting collaboration and the creation of projects, as well as promoting engagement between researchers and citizens around social science and humanities (SSH) projects. The platform serves as a means of increasing visibility and recognition of SSH projects. Tiziana related that the idea behind the platform was not to reinvent the wheel, but to build a useful tool that people actually want to use. Various features available in VERA were presented, including profile customisation option, control of profile visibility, the information that can be communicated about a project and the possibility for projects on VERA to be visible on other platforms. It was also said that an additional feature about funding opportunities for projects will be released in the near future. During the question-and-answer session, everyone was informed that individuals from disciplines other than SSH are able to join VERA in order to find partners for interdisciplinary projects.

Following the first presentation, Teodora Konach and Mathieu Rochambeau of the Austrian Agency for Research Integrity (OeAWI) spoke about the policy paper on responsible open science. The paper, D5.1: Report on existing policies and guidelines, was produced as part of a ROSiE work package and serves as an overview of existing open science public policies in selected EU member states, Norway and the United Kingdom. It was stated that the document will be used in part to develop policy documents and guidelines.