ROSiE’s Strategic Policy Paper on Responsible Open Science workshop in Noresund/Norway
First onsite meeting of the key drafting group for Work Package 5’s Strategic Policy Paper. Noresund in Norway welcomes project partners and stakeholders form 11 countries.
The first co-creational workshop of the core drafting group for the Strategic Policy Paper on Responsible Open Science took place on the 27th-28th October 2022. It was planned and organised in cooperation between OeAWI, EUREC and University of Olso.
The core drafting group is composed of representatives of research performing organisations and research funding institutions, with expertise related to open science, research ethics and integrity, from different organisational settings and with diverse disciplinary backgrounds.
Discussions and co-creational activities led to revision and improvements of the first version of the Strategic Policy Paper, drafted by the WP5 team in August 2022. The document has a concise structure, starting with definitions of main terms (open science, research ethics and integrity), followed by identified challenges to the practice of responsible science, addressed by actionable recommendations. It deals with 7 thematic fields: open access, open data, open responsible research, open science evaluation, open science policies, open science tools, and open science training.
Broader stakeholders’ consultations of the version 3.0 of the Strategic Policy Paper are planned in 2023, stay tuned!