Didactic Framework: The base for developed ROSiE training materials
The didactic framework identifies: (1) the skills and attitudes trainees are expected to acquire, (2) specific learning outcomes and indicators for their achievement,(3) topics to be included in training materials,(4) teaching and learning strategies.
One of the objectives of the ROSiE project is to develop training materials with and for students, researchers, and citizen scientists for acquiring skills required for practicing responsible OS. The training materials will cover the research ethics and integrity aspects of OS.
To fulfil this objective, we used the results of the literature review and the mapping of ethical, social, and legal challenges of OS performed in the ROSiE project and consulted with stakeholder representatives. A consortium workshop for development of the didactic framework was organized in June 2021.
The ROSiE training materials will be aimed at the following groups of trainees: (i) students, (ii) early career researchers, (iii) experienced researchers and (iv) citizen scientists. For each group of trainees in each field of science - natural sciences, social sciences, humanities, health and life sciences – we will develop customized training materials for a 2-day training course.
The developed training materials will be tested in various types of institutional and educational settings. The training materials will be complemented by a set of instructions supporting trainers in using the materials. Among other instructions, suggestions how the training materials might be used for training multidisciplinary and/or multistakeholder research teams will be included.
Topics included in training materials:
Ethical and societal foundations of open science, its purpose
The quality of the research outputs and data sets
Protection of research participants' rights in open science
Prevention of research malpractices in the context of open science
Responsible sharing and use of open data
Responsible dissemination/publication practices
Protection of intellectual property in the context of open science
Ethical aspects of citizen science in the context of open science