4th Cross-SwafS Stakeholder Forum meeting – RRI and meaningful co-creation in crowdsourcing methodologies
4th Cross-SwafS Stakeholder Forum meeting – RRI and meaningful co-creation in crowdsourcing methodologies
The 4th Cross-SwafS Stakeholder Forum meeting for Responsible Open Science was held on April 7th! We are grateful to the participants that contributed to its success. Open Science experts and professionals currently participating in SwafS projects presented their most recent activities. Moreover, we had the opportunity to discuss on the topic of JoinUs4Health' s presentation ''RRI and meaningful co-creation in crowdsourcing methodologies''.
Birgit Schauer and Ana Barbosa Mendes from JoinUs4Health introduced the project and its methodology. It was stated that one of the goals of the project is to combine crowd-sourcing and responsible research and innovation (RRI) as a means to promote inclusive innovation and engagement over large communities. They explained how crowdsourcing can involve citizen scientists in the entire research process and combine consultative mechanisms with intense co-creation methods.
The presenters introduced the JoinUs4Health platform, highlighting the interactive sections and input options. The platform does not act as a forum, rather it is a controlled environment where community members and facilitated teams are strongly encouraged to collaborate and interact in all steps of the research process, including dissemination and reflection/review within the whole community.
During the discussion session, the following questions were presented to the forum participants: